Solid Close Pricing: Tailored Solutions for Seamless Deal Closures

At Solid Close, we understand that every deal is unique. That's why we've structured our pricing to be as flexible as your needs, ensuring you get maximum value without compromise. Dive in to explore how our tailored solutions can streamline your transactions, making each deal a resounding success.

"Working alongside Solid Close is always a pleasure. Their precision and punctuality ensure that there are no hiccups in the closing process. They truly understand the essence of a solid close!"

profile picture
David W, Title Officer

What To Expect: The Process

At Solid Close, we're dedicated to guiding your transactions to a successful finish. Every deal has its unique facets, but our process is designed to accommodate them all. Here's what the process looks like:

  • Step 1:

    Submit Your Deal

    Submit your details with confidence! We'll swiftly review and aim to approve within a day. Once greenlit, simply sign our service agreement and kickstart the process with your deposit. Let's get started!

  • Step 2:

    Escrow Is Initiated

    We ensure every detail of your submission is spot-on. Immediately after, we engage the escrow process, notifying the title company and every participant involved. We're here to make this step go smooth and efficient for you.

    • We Double-check Your Submission For Accuracy
    • Escrow Is Initiated With Title or Attorney
    • All Relevant Contracts & Addendums Are Dispatched To Every Party
    • A Title Report Is Ordered
  • Step 3:

    Navigating Due Diligence

    We meticulously review title reports, identifying any concerns or potential liens, and verify seller details. Our team handles all necessary paperwork and communications, assists with renegotiations logistics, and ensures transparent and regular communication with all parties involved.

    • Examine Title Report in Detail
    • Identify and Alert Parties on Any Title Concerns
    • Facilitate Resolutions & Assist With Any Changes Due To Renegotiations
    • Ensure Regular Communication with All Parties
  • Step 4:

    Preparing for a Seamless Closing

    As the final stretch approaches, our meticulous coordination ensures every detail aligns for a smooth closing. From renegotiations based on title findings to confirming financial arrangements, we make certain everything is set and you're kept in the loop.

    • Renegotiate as Needed
    • Facilitate Final Document Preparation
    • Review of Settlement Statements & Closing Docs
    • Coordinate Notary Arrangements & Confirm Wire Instructions
    • Maintain Open Communication with All Parties
  • Step 5:

    Ready for Closing

    The final stretch of a transaction is crucial. It's the time when every document, signature, and the funds needs to be in perfect order. At this juncture, we serve as your meticulous coordinator, ensuring that everything is set for a seamless closing.

    • Confirm All Documents are Signed, Notarized, and Collected
    • Verify Final Funding and Closing Costs
    • Ensure Compliance with Closing Instructions and Deadlines
    • Coordinate With All Parties For A Solid Close
  • Step 6:

    Post-Closing Assistance

    After sealing the deal, critical details like transferring HOA and insurance info, or setting up loan servicing for creative transactions, mustn't be overlooked. Our post-closing expertise saves you hours of work, although this invaluable service comes at an additional cost.

    • Initiate Third-party Servicing For Subject-to & Seller-financed Loans
    • Transfer Mortgage Power of Attorney & Insurance For Creative Financed Deals
    • Update HOA Details, If Needed
    • Ensure All Post-closure Documentation Is Complete & Compliant

Choose the Perfect Package: Tailored Solutions for Every Transaction's Unique Needs

From real estate to other creative transactions, our pricing options are tailored to meet diverse needs. Whether you're an industry veteran or a newcomer, we have a package designed to ensure not just a successful close but a definitive, solid close. Browse the selections below and pinpoint the ideal solution for your unique requirements.

Most Requested Services

Cash Deal

Buying with cash or hard money means you want things done without any hiccups. Our Transaction Coordination service is designed just for that. We take care of the nitty-gritty, making sure your transaction runs smoothly, and wraps up efficiently. So, while you concentrate on the big picture, we ensure the foundation is solid.


Subject-To, Seller Finance, or Hybrid

For deals where the property is acquired "subject to" the existing mortgage, or through seller financing arrangements, or a combination of both. These options cater to creative financing structures, offering flexibility in how the purchase is structured while ensuring all details are meticulously managed.



When an existing financing structure is enveloped with a new mortgage having its own distinct terms, this is known as a wrap. It essentially "wraps around" the current financing. Our wrap service ensures that the intricacies of combining two mortgages are managed seamlessly, safeguarding both parties' interests in the deal.


Other Services



Embrace Novation for a fresh fix and flip perspective. It champions a novel real estate route: boosting property values without the traditional buy. Enjoy both safeguarded profits and reduced seller disagreements.

Morby Method


Redefining creative financing, the Morby Method optimizes down payment structures. By smartly leveraging funds, it meets seller demands and can yield a cash surplus post-closing, making it a win-win for every exit strategy.

Self Performing Close


Ideal for unconventional or non-traditional deals, our Self Performing Close service ensures smooth transaction execution. We adapt to unique agreements and specific terms, ensuring your distinct deal progresses seamlessly to closure.

Gator Lending


Navigating quick transactional deals like EMDs and Double Closings? Our TC service ensures precise paperwork handling, protecting both the deal and the Gator's interests.

Private Money Lending


Transaction coordination tailored for deals with private money lenders, ensuring the integrity of both the deal and lender's interests.

Servicing Setup


Solid Close will coordinate the setup with a third-party provider to automate payments. This service ensures timely payments to the mortgage company and others like third-party Lenders, Owners, Sellers, etc. Please note that this fee doesn't cover third-party servicing charges.

Post Closing


A comprehensive post-closing support that spans 30-45 days, ensuring all essential components are in place post-transaction. Including Servicing Setup, HOA transfer coordination, Power of Attorney (POA) setup, Insurance initiation and setup, Mortgage portal setup and information update, Utility setup including water, gas, oil, and electric. Note: This fee doesn't cover third-party servicing charges and is an add-on fee.



Safeguard your interest in a property transaction. A memorandum filing creates a public record of your agreement, ensuring transparency and providing an added layer of protection against potential disputes or challenges related to the deal. Note: This is an add-on fee.

Rush Fee


For transactions with a swift timeline; when the Close of Escrow (COE) is less than 3 weeks (i.e., 21 days) away. This fee ensures your deal is prioritized and handled efficiently. Please note, weekends and holidays are included in the timeline count.

We provide uniquely crated services

Not clear on which service to choose or not finding your specific need?

We offer an extensive range of services, far more than we can list here. If you're uncertain about the best choice or need something unique, don't hesitate to reach out. We thrive on crafting creative solutions tailored to your needs. Let's chat and discover how we can assist you!

Contact Us

Service Initiation Notice: To kick-start our comprehensive services, we request a 50% non-refundable deposit. The balance will be settled at closing. Should the transaction not proceed to completion, the pending balance won't be charged. On the rare occasion that unforeseen tasks arise, potential additional charges may apply and will be due immediately, as they are tied to direct operational costs. Rest assured, we'll communicate any such instances upfront, ensuring transparency every step of the way.

Please note: Submitting your details does not guarantee acceptance for processing. Once reviewed and approved, we'll provide you with a service agreement accompanied by an invoice.

Pricing Disclaimer: Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to adjust our service prices at any time based on market conditions, operational demands, and other relevant factors. By using our services, you acknowledge and agree to this pricing policy.

By the Numbers: The Impact of Using a Transaction Coordinator


Success Rate

With a T.C., close rates soar to 70% versus 30% without.*


Return on Investment

Over 1 year a T.C. helps you earn more.**


Hours Saved

Average deal requires 20+ hours in paperwork and communications.*

* Results/Stats accumulated from our own experiences, a network of Transactional Coordinators, and Title Companies.

** 52 deals a year with an average assignment fee of $15,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which service is right for my transaction?

Each transaction is unique. By discussing your deal specifics with us, we can guide you towards the service that best fits your needs.

How does Solid Close ensure the security of my transaction data?

At Solid Close, we prioritize the confidentiality and security of your data. We employ the latest security technologies and protocols to ensure your information remains protected.

What if I'm new to real estate? Can I still use Solid Close?

Absolutely! Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, we're here to simplify the transaction process for you.

Are there any hidden fees?

Transparency is our policy. All costs are communicated upfront. However, unexpected tasks might lead to additional charges, but you'll always be informed in advance.

Why choose Solid Close over other transaction coordinators?

Our commitment to excellence, our wide range of services tailored to different deal types, and our focus on building lasting relationships set us apart. We're here not just to close a deal, but to ensure it's a Solid Close.

How can I keep track of my transaction's progress?

With Solid Close, you'll receive regular updates and have access to a platform (if provided) where you can check the status of your transaction in real time.

Do I need to be tech-savvy to work with Solid Close?

Not at all. While our processes utilize modern technology for efficiency, we ensure that our systems are user-friendly and our team is always available to assist you.

Can I introduce Solid Close to my preferred partners?

Of course! We believe in collaborative efforts and would be more than happy to work in conjunction with any partners you trust.

How does Solid Close stay updated with changing regulations and real estate trends?

Continuous learning is ingrained in our ethos. Our team routinely undergoes training and stays updated with the latest in the real estate world to serve you better.

How do you handle communication with multiple parties involved in a transaction?

We serve as a central hub, ensuring timely and clear communication among all parties. This keeps everyone on the same page and the transaction moving smoothly.

Start with Solid Close Today

Navigating the complexities of transactions shouldn't slow you down. Let Solid Close handle the intricate details, ensuring your deals not only close but close solidly. From expert transaction coordination to diverse deal support, we're here to streamline your success.